color of stains on teeth provides information about their origin and
remedy. This way you can get a little closer to the mirror to identify
in more detail the unsightly shade that your teeth glide. As examples,
the most common shades and their possible causes are the following:
- White spots: we might be less worried at the beginning because of the color associated with healthy teeth, but they are usually the result of poor oral hygiene or an excess of fluoride (known as fluorosis) from childhood that has been maintained over time. The accumulation of bacterial plaque, or even the presence of caries caused by the demineralization of the tooth, are two of the most common reasons for this tonality.
- Brown spots: they appear due to the consumption of food, drinks, or vices harmful to our dental health, such as sweets, wine, or tobacco. If, after consuming them, you do not brush your teeth, the result will be the appearance of these unsightly brown stains.
- Green spots: this coloration, which occurs especially in children and adolescents, is manifested by the action of a pigmentation known as phenacetin, which we secrete by the accumulation of bacteria and fungi in the gingival area (located just where the gum begins). Again, insufficient dental hygiene is the main risk factor for its appearance.
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