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The color of the teeth, what does it depend on?

The colour of the teeth, as well as that of the eyes or hair, varies from person to person. It is therefore not considered a stable parameter since it varies from one individual to another, from one dentition to another or even over time in the same tooth.

What You Need to Know
To begin with your teeth whitening, the color of the teeth is genetically conditioned. It is defined by the color of the dentine and the thickness and quality of the enamel:

  • The enamel is translucent and practically has no color. Depending on its thickness and quality (degree of mineralization) it allows the color of the dentine to be more or less "transparent".
  • The dentine is yellowish. Depending on its thickness and quality it is more or less yellowish.

Variations in tooth colour
Variations in tooth color that we can find are determined by:

  • Age: older people have thinner enamel thicknesses due to tooth decay. For this reason, we usually see a more yellowish color in their teeth.
  • Race/skin colour: the relationship between tooth colour and skin colour is inversely proportional. In other words, people with darker skin tend to have lighter teeth. However, this is also partly due to the visual effect. In summer, when our skin tans, it also appears that our teeth are lighter.
  • The tooth: there are variations depending on the tooth observed. Canines tend to have a much thicker layer of dentine and therefore tend to be teeth that have a slightly darker tone than the rest of the teeth of the same dental arch. There is also variation depending on the dentition observed, so the deciduous dentition (milk or infant) is always much whiter and brighter than the permanent. This is where the name milk dentition comes from, due to its milky white colour.
  • Tooth region: The most stable colored area of a tooth is the central area. If we divide a tooth into three parts we will notice that the incisal part is more translucent and lighter (since it has hardly any dentin) and the cervical part has a slightly darker hue than the central part (since it is the area closest to the root and there is a greater saturation of dentin).

All these variations occur in people without intrinsic colour alterations and under normal conditions. It must be taken into account, however, that apart from everything that has been explained, external factors and habits, such as diet, have an influence that can cause us to have a darker and less desirable colour in our teeth. As well as the patient's own oral care, especially the oral hygiene carried out.

Attention to What You Drink

Coffee, tea and red wine are the foods that stain teeth the most. Another element that makes them very dirty is tobacco.


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